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Female hairline advancement

A more masculine appearance in women can be the result of elongated foreheads or high hairlines. An oversized forehead can readily detract from balance and harmony in women’s faces. Today, a procedure aimed at placing the hairline in an aesthetically pleasing position by lowering the hairline and reducing the forehead results in a restoration of balance to the face.

Typically, female hairlines start from about four to six centimeters above the eyebrows, from around the transition point between where foreheads start sloping towards the scalp and the vertical forehead. Hairlines starting well above this transition point will often appear relatively unattractive.


One of the important factors for a successful procedure is the flexibility of the scalp, meaning a patient can freely wriggle their scalp backward and forward, enhancing chances of achieving the desired outcome. If on the other hand, one’s scalp is not as flexible, advancing one’s scalp to reduce the forehead can prove to be more challenging and result in the requirement of a two-stage surgery. The other important factors to be considered include the presence or absence of cowlicks or hair whorls, hair density and existing, hereditary, or progressive hair loss.

Surgical hairline advancement, also referred to as the hairline lowering procedure, effectively lowers high hairlines in just a single step, is comparable to no other procedure, and is almost exclusively practiced on women. This process usually takes a maximum of two hours, effectively reducing high foreheads by as much as two inches.

An alternate method is combining both surgical hairline advancement and hair grafting to alter the hairline’s structure successfully for the creation of an enhanced feminine appearance, making hairlines more round or oval shaped by filling in the upper temporal region.

The surgical hairline advancement is a technique that entails surgically reducing foreheads through moving the hairlines forward, It features an incision, made along the hairline’s front, after which the hairline is moved forward, followed by suturing close the incisions, but only after fruitfully removing the excessive forehead skin. This process leaves a linear incision scar that runs along the hairline, later healing to a barely visible fine scar that allows hairs to grow through it, unlike the regular scars which restrict hairs from growing.


Compared to hair transplantation, achieved through grafting hair, surgical hairline advancement is by far much more complex, though it does provide quick and desirable results. Most of the patients who undergo this procedure are usually almost fully recovered within a week, allowing for the removal of sutures inside the same time duration. The possibility provided by this procedure, of achieving of a lower hairline that appears thick and natural in just under two hours, is quite impressive.


The primary and most beneficial advantage of choosing the surgical hairline advancement, is the provision of an immediate outcome accompanied by unsurpassed density, all achieved by simply performing a single procedure. Additionally, two months after a successful surgical hairline advancement procedure, patients can have a hair grafting procedure conducted to round out their hairlines effectively, concealing any line scars that resulted from the initial operation and might still be visible.

There are two variations with this procedure that have proved useful. First, if the hairline needs to be advanced a large distance or if the scalp is tight, a tissue expander (a balloon-like device similar to an inflatable breast implant) may be required. This is done as a staged procedure, with placement of the expander as the first stage and advancement of the hairline as the second stage. Typically, the balloon is expanded over a 6-week period, e.g. 75-100 cc per week, to stretch the scalp sufficiently to allow for 4-6 cm of advancement. This is well tolerated by patients aside from the increasing cosmetic inconvenience during the last three weeks of the expansion. Ten percent of patients seem to require this expansion process.

The second variation of this procedure is to combine the hairline advancement with a browlift. For this procedure, the forehead dissection is extended below the orbital rimsand the frown muscles may be cut or cauterized from their undersurface. Before the skin excision and closure , the browsare fixed at the desired level.



A light dressing is usually applied immediately after surgery and removed a day after. It is also quite unusual for any patient to require a covering of their hairline beyond three months, especially with most of the patients being able to wear their hair pulled back about three weeks following surgery.

The extent of hairline lowering and forehead reduction to be expected will typically be determined by the laxity of a patient’s scalp and forehead and how easy it is for a patient to move it backwards, and forwards.

These two procedures provide a permanent alteration and will not require repetition, plus they can be performed on patients of any age, albeit the most common age for this procedure is as from the early 20’s onwards, with no limits as to age advancement.

Although you should be up and about by the afternoon following the surgery, plan on taking it easy for at least the very first week, and avoid strenuous activities such as heavy housework as well as aerobics for the same duration. Mild stretching and walking are both fine, but exercises involving extensive stretching or inversion, such as Pilates and Yoga should probably be put off for at least two months.